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True Self

Why Integrating Identities Matters

Recently, the AAIT Fellowship Training Group explored the ins and outs of creating identities to achieve conscious goals. This is such an exciting and liberating way of moving towards goal achievement.

The meaning of acceptance when dealing with grief

Anniversaries can sneak up on us, leaving a feeling of loss, a sense of something really not right, sorrow or maybe irritation. My father took his next assignment on March 31, 2013.

For days I’ve been thinking of him, reviewing the long days of his last days, remembering the sound of his laughter which is no longer easy.

Thinking in Other Categories

If it’s not clear to you yet, Acceptance and Integration Training is a full paradigm shift from traditional talk therapy. That’s not to say that all the skills….

What’s between you and kindness?

This little post on kindness popped up for me the other day. I wrote it last year on my parent’s wedding anniversary.

As my mom was preparing for her “next assignment,” we talked a lot about the astrocytoma that was consuming her brain like a wildfire.

Where Shoulds Hide


Can you believe she did that? She should have …

I feel so bad. I should have …

I know I should, but …

The impact of a Gnostic Experience

Gnosis – deep experiential knowing that is personal, beyond conceptual. This past Sunday, I facilitated a Gnostic Intensive. The aim of this intensive is that participants have at least one Gnostic experience regarding one of the four primary questions:

Helping clients usher in a paradigm shift

“It’s been a total paradigm shift from last week. This is seismic. I feel like I’m on a new planet. It’s like ending a war.” That’s how a client described her experience after a single session. The problem she addressed was not quite being able to bring things to completion.