At the heart of AAIT™ is serving the freedom of the true self. The phases of the model create the structure for REAL relief and bring alive creativity to our work with clients…being able to REALLY make a difference in someone’s life is so so satisfying.
S – Seek Understanding. This is where we are setting out to DISCOVER what impact, if any, there was from the previous session’s work, how their embodiment practice went and what’s alive for them now. Unlike traditional talk therapy, we are not seeking to understand why they are they way they are. We are seeking to understand the tangled charge that keeps them bound.
E – Engage Collaboration. As we narrow the focus and clarify our intention for the session, we enter into an overt collaboration with our clients.
R – Resolve Reactivity. Using AAIT we help our clients neutralize the charged energy of their pain and access their own inner wisdom and knowing.
V – Verify and Stabilize Results. Intentionally challenging the results of the work with strategic questioning we verify that we have made progress and support our clients in stabilizing the work.
E – Embody New Knowledge. Having resolved reactivity, new knowledge, insights, and more naturally arise. With integration practices our clients discover how to embody this inner wisdom.