Clinical Spotlight: Kara Logan, L.C.S.W.
As healing arts practitioners face some pretty steep challenges, our own Kara Logan and her team are meeting that challenge with Project H3.
Project H3 was created to provide relief from the day-to-day psychological, emotional, and spiritual stresses and to address compassion fatigue and secondary trauma for helpers and healers.
We will share more about this exciting project in the weeks to come. In the meantime, we are lucky to have her in our community. As a wee introduction —
Tell us about what’s lighting you up about who you serve.
I just love seeing people find peace and inner strength in the midst of dealing with chaos and pain. Whether it is a Pandemic, Addiction, Trauma, or other difficult circumstances, we cannot always choose what happens to us but we can choose how to respond. It is such a beautiful experience to watch someone go from feeling so much shame and guilt to acceptance and then to feeling empowered. I work mainly in trauma recovery and with families of those with addictions. I have found it so amazing to watch wives, husbands, parents, children, and partners of those with addictions find healing for themselves regardless of what their loved one does. With trauma work, I know it is so difficult to turn around and face what we want to run from, but it is so incredible to help someone walk through it and come out the other side with acceptance and strength. I love when clients share how they are no longer experiencing flashbacks and can choose their responses to others instead of being held captive by their past.
How would you describe your style as a healing arts practitioner?
I am a pretty enthusiastic and direct person in general and that translates into sessions. That is one thing that attracted me to AAIT. I never have been passive in therapy sessions. I explain upfront to clients that I am there to help them grow and heal. But that will come with pushing them forward into dealing with some most likely uncomfortable and difficult experiences. But I assure them, I am there the whole time guiding them through. I do weave other therapeutic modalities in with AAIT and have found that to be quite helpful. I tailor my approach to clients based on what they present and their own unique assets and needs for growth.
What made you decide to become certified in AAIT?
First, I just love to learn. Second, I want to provide my clients with the best and most up to date therapeutic approaches and methods there are. I believe I owe that to them. Trusting me to help them heal is a big responsibility and I don’t take it lightly. I heard about AAIT from a few other practitioners in the area and I was curious. I also love giving clients practical, not overly complicated techniques they can use at home.
How has your practice changed since you became certified in AAIT?
I find myself having more confidence in working with clients. I have had numerous clients express gratitude that they are being given techniques and tools they can use at home instead of just the one hour in session. I have seen evidence from multiple clients that those who fully participate in utilizing the skills they are learning through AAIT both in session and at home are making the most progress in the shortest period of time. I am also excited to start offering groups soon utilizing AAIT.
What would you tell someone who is interested in getting trained in AAIT but is on the fence?
It is an investment. There are so many different trainings and therapy techniques being offered to us constantly and I know it can be difficult to choose what path to take. So, I encourage you to make an appointment or two with someone who is certified in AAIT and see what it feels like to be the client. See how powerful AAIT can be. I know personally, it has given me freedom from some of my own anxieties and allowed me to become more accepting of my circumstances (and right now in our world that is big!)
I think Kara offers a great suggestion here, find a practitioner, and book a few sessions. Then you will see how powerful AAIT can be. Find out more about Kara’s services here:
Hope for those struggling with compulsive behaviors. Devoted to Helping Families of Addicts. Helping those who Desire to heal from trauma. If you or a loved one are struggling to heal from Trauma or an addiction I can help. Individual and Family Therapy I provide specialized and individualized treat…