Dealing With Cognitive Distortions In Anxious Times
Anxious times. – The very human tendency to engage in mental chatter doesn’t help. One tiny thought gets a little sunlight and it’s off to the races with all manner of distorted thinking, like kudzu on fertile ground. – One of the real gifts of spending more than 35 years
Case Study: Tapping Into Inner Resources To Combat Anxiety
It had been a couple of years since Dale’s last panic attack. The anxiety that ran like a steady current since his youth seemed to have dried up as he engaged in AAIT. Bring on the pandemic and the anxiety began trickling in. When his employer announced the date of
Managing The Undercurrent Of Anxiety
It’s easy to get swept away by the catastrophic expectations in national and international news. It’s flying past as fast as the ice sheet seems to be melting. I notice that many of my clients are describing an undercurrent of anxiety. When you consider that most of my clients are