Case Study: Tapping Into Inner Resources To Combat Anxiety
It had been a couple of years since Dale’s last panic attack. The anxiety that ran like a steady current since his youth seemed to have dried up as he engaged in AAIT.
Bring on the pandemic and the anxiety began trickling in. When his employer announced the date of their business’ reopening, anxiety erupted into panic. A burst of panic attacks eclipsed in the ensuing days.
Alongside reporting this experience, he told me he had an extremely important meeting following our time together so he needed to keep it “light.”
Normally, I’d feel compelled to address panic like wound care, necessary, but not always pleasant. Dale has a rich understanding of the breadth and depth of AAIT. He also has a strong appreciation of the collaborative nature of this work. He KNOWS he can ask me for what he needs.
Ok. Let’s keep it light.
We discussed the traits, qualities, and characteristics that might help him feel a little more steady. After identifying six characteristics, we engaged in “golden shadow” work. We used a “star application” of Deep PEAT 4, followed by an expansive meditation.
We kept it light. He felt better and I really didn’t know what to expect in relation to the panic attacks.
When Dale appeared on the screen at our next appointment, the peace and calm in his face was evident. He honestly seemed to almost glow. We laughed when I asked him if he had some new light setup. Moving right in, he told me with a kind of steady ease that his week had been deeply peace-filled.
He felt calm, had not a single panic attack, and felt no fear or anxiety about the coming days. He knew what he needed to do to feel safe. No longer “carrying the torch for worry,” he said our time together felt like an awakening, leaving him present focused at ease. He described it as soul-filling work freeing him from the illusion that he can control things he simply can’t control.
Curious about the qualities he integrated? In a single session?
– Clarity
– Joyfulness
– Connection
– Courageous strength
– Meaningful constancy
– Anchored
This is the beauty of being able to help our clients address pain AND turn on the inner resources that shine like gold within and just need to be shined a little. What a surprise to discover what such inner resources could do.
It’s not too late to learn how to help yourself and your clients creatively access inner strengths using AAIT. Click here to reserve your spot in the upcoming AAIT Foundations Course.
photo credit – David Patterson