Going from “Good Enough” to Assured Confidence
Let’s talk about MONEY.
Generally speaking, we healing arts practitioners have a complicated relationship with money.
We don’t feel comfortable asking for it.
We don’t want to withhold services for it.
We avoid tending to it.
We feel scared about it.
We feel guilty about it.
As a tribe, it’s complicated.
Then there’s the whole mess of regret.
We’ve all spent money in hopes of expanding some skill set only to find later that we didn’t have the support to really apply what we set out to learn.
Then, there’s an opportunity like the AAIT Fellowship Training group. Of course, you wonder if such an investment would ultimately help or hurt. After all, we’ve all been let down by others AND ourselves.
We’ve all let ourselves down by not doing the work to get the MOST out of our investments.
So when an opportunity like the AAIT Fellowship Training Group comes along, you hesitate, delay, waiting for the most ideal time.
I totally get that. When I joined Dick Olney’s training group I had a 2-year-old and a 6-month-old. I lived in Salt Lake. The training group met in Berkeley. I hesitated. Still, I took the leap. Investing in myself in this way changed the trajectory of my career.
I went from thinking of myself as a “good enough” therapist to the assured confidence that my clients and I could navigate some pretty tricky waters and they would leave better off.
I am committed to honoring my teachers by paying it forward through the AAIT Fellowship Training Group.
Each step of this program is designed to support you in applying what you are learning; personally and professionally.
I feel my own MONEY stuff coming up as I write this. It feels crass somehow to bring this up (you can bet I’ll be integrating that :))
But there’s truth here. I DON’T want you, any of you, to miss out on something that could help you and SO MANY OTHERS. And making the leap from “good enough” to assured confidence requires an investment of time, attention and money.
I want you to experience the delicious feeling of confidently KNOWING you can help yourself AND your clients. PM me, ask me your questions. Our training starts in August and we are more than half full for the next cohort.
Take me up on this challenge to up your game with advanced clinical training. I stand by my training. That’s why I include a money back guarantee. Click here to learn more about the AAIT Fellowship Training Group.