Neatness Counts in Small Amounts
Creating Your Intention
We are creating intentions all the time. Most of the time, we are not conscious of them. Anintention is like a whisper inside us, a whisper from the deepest part of us. We just need to hear our own heart’s whisper. In reflecting on how
Problems and Solutions
Woven throughout the body of Zivorard Slavinski’s work is the influence of Roberto Assagiolo, On a low level of consciousness there are no solutions, and on high levels of consciousness, there are no problems. I’ve been leaning into my contemplation of this principle in the wake
Missing the Insidious Influence of Distorted Thinking
One of the biggest mistakes we make as therapists is missing the insidious influence of distorted thinking in the stories we hear. If we DO catch it, we can still get caught in the snare of the content of the story somehow. Understanding and helping
How To Achieve Higher States of Consciousness For Your Clients
Resolving reactivity reveals HIGHER states of consciousness. Famed psychiatrist Roberto Assagiolo states “On a low level of consciousness there are no solutions, and on high level of consciousness there are no problems.” When our clients (or us!) are bound in some pain, that
The Illusion of Separation
As we continue this exploration of how to talk about the spiritual nature of this work, I hope y’all will chime in with your understanding and experiences.
Getting Behind Who You THINK You Are
Inspired by The Observer’s recent article, “Are you really the ‘real’ you?”, I have a few thoughts of my own to share….If we drop the story, drop the name, drop the ideas of who we think we are, who’s there?
The Role of the Golden Shadow vs. the Dark Shadow
This is one of the most iconic evocative photos I’ve ever seen. It provokes the shadow like nothing else in my recent history.
This I Believe
I’m a big fan of NPR. I especially love their segment, “This I Believe.” There are lots of things that I believe. I think perhaps the dominant belief is that there is a current of Consciousness….