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Self Care for Families

Kathy White PT, Feldenkrais and AAIT practitioner extraordinaire recently shared a post on self care for families.

One of the PRACTICAL suggestions is to have a morning and evening routine. Word.

This is one of the best pieces of advice for ALL of us, especially healing arts practitioners. These routines, when well-crafted, create containers for our restoration. When ignored, our lack of routine becomes one.

These small moments make up the minutia of our lives. The minutia of life IS life!

My first meditation teacher once shared that the moments of our lives are passing within and without our awareness. With each passing moment, it is as though we are creating a long strand of beads. At the end of our lives, meditation practice ensures that there are more pearls than glass on that strand.

With meditation and AAIT practice as part of my daily morning routine, I know I am contributing to a life of pearls.

In my women’s AAIT practice group, we recently explored prioritizing ourselves. We used End of Words to integrate the good and bad of prioritizing our practice. We could just have easily been working with prioritizing ourselves.

Some of the content that arose speaks to the universal challenge of self-care, even with something like routines.

On the bad side, it’s time consuming, it takes effort, explaining to others, there’s other stuff I wanna do and more.

On the good side, it gives a sense of accomplishment, sets the tone for the day, increases efficiency, creates inner calm, empowering and more.

What gets in the way of prioritizing yourself? Explore this yourself with a little End of Words. Let us know what it reveals for you.

There are still open spaces in the upcoming AAIT Foundations workshop in Chicago this January. Click here to learn more.

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