EMBODIMENT ~ Unsatisfying States Edition
Taking Steps…
Shining Human Qualities
The Courage of PRIDE
As we head into PRIDE month, what if we took a beat to recognize the strength and courage it takes to stand in one’s truth of being in the face of oppression and adversity? Deep bows. What if each of us found and cultivated that
EMBODIMENT – Manage your Sh*t Edition
In the rarest of circumstances in the middle of a pandemic, Amanda left her wife and three children for a week-long business trip. Janice, Amanda’s wife is a front-line health care worker. – When Amanda returned to the chaos and demands of being back home,
EMBODIMENT: Personal Practice Edition
I goofed. Then I felt regret and embarrassment about goofing. Anybody else ever been there? In a recent presentation, that I think went well by the way, I quickly blew past a question and blithely mentioned that people rarely leave therapy with me prematurely. Hear
The Illusory Pain Of Not Good Enough
In addition to the not insignificant stress of keeping a business alive in 2020, caring for grandchildren and recovering from major surgery, Madeleine said she was mostly ok. Sincerely, genuinely ok. The only clouds threatening her inner sky were flurries of not good enough that showed
Dealing With Cognitive Distortions In Anxious Times
Anxious times. – The very human tendency to engage in mental chatter doesn’t help. One tiny thought gets a little sunlight and it’s off to the races with all manner of distorted thinking, like kudzu on fertile ground. – One of the real gifts of