One small change can lead to expansion
EXPANDING our comfort zone is inextricably linked to expanding our reach. We all have comfort zones, in just about every area of life, food, movement, travel… Same when it comes to our practices. Most of us get into a comfort zone and hang there.
Though my army brat roots run deep and I generally relish travel. I wasn’t particularly looking forward to the travel and being away. Having been ill for a while, my comfort zone shrank without my awareness. Still, I am the daughter of an adventurer, to him, life was all about expanding the comfort zones. I rented a car and drove down the coast from San Francisco to visit an old friend in Carmel Valley.
As each turn revealed one breathtaking vista after another, I relaxed. Something in me softened and opened. New ideas and realizations seemed to expand as readily as the panoramic views of the Pacific.
It serves us to expand our comfort zone, in life and in our offices.
Making one small change, stretching a small bit, opens up new horizons and possibilities. In the AAIT Fellowship Training Group private FB group, we are having a conversation about the importance of a clear collaborative agreement. We are discussing and discovering the importance of and how to arrive at a clear session goal.
One small change. If you don’t already do this in session, explore this one small change – collaborating with your client to identify and work towards a clear specific session goal.
This raises the bar for most practitioners. Giving attention to clearly identifying and agreeing on a session goal raises the game for most. It gives us something to aim for, a way to assess the efficacy of our work AND expands the horizon, revealing new possibilities.
What have you learned about the value of expanding your comfort zone? AND, what tips do you have for helping clarify a clear and specific session goal?
Click here for info on AAIT Essentials coming up, just around the corner in February.
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