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The Key to Making Embodiment Suggestions to Your Clients


That was one of the questions that came up last weekend in the AAIT Essentials training. After all, homework is a familiar aspect of many models of care. The more we can help each other and our clients unpack the ins and outs of a successful embodiment practice, the better off we all are.

First, consider that embodiment in general in AAIT is about helping our clients embody their truest self, their preferred state, and their highest goals. This can mean embodying the energy of their charged pain. Luckily we have ways to help them do that without getting bogged down and stuck in it.

Note that embodiment as a practice is best supported by finding a regular time and place to practice. Most of us don’t keep our toothbrushes in the living room nor do we brush our teeth when cooking dinner. Brushing our teeth LIVES in a particular time and place. That said, helping our clients embrace embodiment practice can begin with supporting them in learning “walking around” practices to restore their state – such as End of Words.

Back to the question. As I’m listening to clients, I’m tracking the biggest points of pain and charged polarities that may be in play. We can hear this by listening closely past the storyline to the language used by our clients.

In addition to these notes, I draw from the stabilization questions if we did not get to address them in our session:

  • Future Clearing – Is it possible for the problem to impose itself on them in the future AGAINST THEIR WILL?
  • Wholistic Processing – Are their other points of view (POV) that need to be considered?
  • Loop back to the narrative in their session, are there any dangling threads they can address in their home practice?
  • RESOURCING – Increasing our clients’ resourcing capacity is perhaps the primary reason we work to help our clients develop a supportive embodiment practice. They learn to access resources within themselves that support them in restoring and sustaining a satisfying state of being while moving towards their goals.

In addition to how embodiment increases our resourcing capacity, we can use resourcing as a practice itself with DP4 Golden Shadow work and Basic PEAT backwards (dubbed Sneaky PEAT by the brilliant wit of Jo Willey)

How do you determine what embodiment practices to recommend to your clients AND how do you support them in following through?

P.S. The last day of the training was a sunny Sunday morning. FINALLY!

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