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Professional Development

AAIT & EMDR – What’s the Difference?

Last Thursday I presented on treating trauma with AAIT at the Psychiatric Symposium in Knoxville, TN. In addition to demonstrating using the Fingertip Method along with aspect retrieval, I shared a few tips on how to help clients return to NOW. The participants asked great

Indifference As A Form of Relief

OOF. I have the heart of a social worker. The desire for justice and autonomy for ALL run deep with me. It’s no surprise that with laws threatening the rights of women, I have opinions and feelings.

Why Integrating Identities Matters

Recently, the AAIT Fellowship Training Group explored the ins and outs of creating identities to achieve conscious goals. This is such an exciting and liberating way of moving towards goal achievement.

What happens when you say YES!

Y’ALL! My proposal to present at the upcoming International Transactional Analysis Association meeting was accepted! So cool. What tickles me about this is how I got here….

Thinking in Other Categories

If it’s not clear to you yet, Acceptance and Integration Training is a full paradigm shift from traditional talk therapy. That’s not to say that all the skills….